Package 'seleniumPipes'

Title: R Client Implementing the W3C WebDriver Specification
Description: The W3C WebDriver specification defines a way for out-of-process programs to remotely instruct the behaviour of web browsers. It is detailed at <>. This package provides an R client implementing the W3C specification.
Authors: John Harrison [aut, cre]
Maintainer: John Harrison <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.3.9
Built: 2025-03-03 03:33:05 UTC

Help Index

Accept alert


acceptAlert accept a JavaScript alert


acceptAlert(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other userPrompts functions: dismissAlert, getAlertText, sendAlertText


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("") %>%
  sScript <- "setTimeout(function(){alert('HELLO')},1000); return 'DONE';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(sScript, args = list())
  remDr %>% dismissAlert()

  sScript <- "setTimeout(function(){confirm('Press a button')},1000);
              return 'DONE';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(sScript, args = list())
  remDr %>% acceptAlert()

  sScript <- "setTimeout(function(){confirm('Press a button')},1000);
              return 'DONE';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(sScript, args = list())
  remDr %>% getAlertText()
  remDr %>% dismissAlert()

  sScript <-
    "setTimeout(function(){prompt('Please enter your name', '')},1000);
      return 'DONE';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(sScript, args = list())
  remDr %>% getAlertText()
  remDr %>% sendAlertText("Buck Rogers?")

  remDr %>% deleteSession()

## End(Not run)

Accept alert


acceptAlertOld accept a JavaScript alert This uses the old JSONwireprotocol endpoints.


acceptAlertOld(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other oldMethods functions: dismissAlertOld, executeAsyncScriptOld, executeScriptOld, getAlertTextOld, getWindowHandleOld, getWindowHandlesOld, getWindowPositionOld, getWindowSizeOld, maximizeWindowOld, sendAlertTextOld, setWindowPositionOld, setWindowSizeOld


## Not run: 
# functions in this group are using the old JSONwireprotocol end points

## End(Not run)

Add a specific cookie.


addCookie Add a specific cookie.


addCookie(remDr, name, value, path = NULL, domain = NULL, secure = FALSE,
  httpOnly = NULL, expiry = NULL, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


character: The name of the cookie; may not be null or an empty string


character: The cookie value; may not be null.


character: The path the cookie is visible to. If left blank or set to null, will be set to "/".


character: The domain the cookie is visible to. It should be null or the same as the domain of the current URL.


logical: Whether this cookie requires a secure connection(https?). It should be null or equal to the security of the current URL.


logical: Whether the cookie is an httpOnly cookie.


The cookie's expiration date; may be null.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other cookies functions: deleteAllCookies, deleteCookie, getAllCookies, getNamedCookie


## Not run: 
# assume a server is running at default location
remDr <- remoteDr()
remDr %>% go("") %>%
# get the cookies
remDr %>% getCookie()
# get a named cookie
remDr %>% getCookie("NID")
# add our own cookie
remDr %>% addCookie(name = "myCookie", value = "12")
# check its value
remDr %>% getCookie("myCookie")
# delete our cookie
remDr %>% deleteCookie("myCookie")
# check its deleted
remDr %>% getCookie("myCookie")

# delete all cookies
remDr %>% getCookie()
remDr %>% deleteAllCookies() %>%

remDr %>% deleteSession()

## End(Not run)

Navigate backwards


back Navigate backwards in the browser history, if possible.


back(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other navigation functions: forward, getCurrentUrl, getTitle, go, refresh


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  # get the title
  remDr %>% getTitle

  # get the current page url
  remDr %>% getCurrentUrl

  # navigate
  remDr %>% go("")

  # go back
  remDr %>% (seleniumPipes::back)

  # go forward
  remDr %>% forward

  # refresh page
  remDr %>% refresh

  # close browser
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Check the response from remote server


checkResponse checks the response from a remote web driver and checks against known errors. uses statusCodes in sysdata.rda see seleniumPipes:::statusCodes





The value returned by a http method from httr see VERB


Stops with appropriate error if any found. On error errorResponse and errorContent may provide additional detail.


## Not run: 
# internal method

## End(Not run)

Close the current window.


closeWindow Close the current window.


closeWindow(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other commandContexts functions: fullscreenWindow, getWindowHandles, getWindowHandle, getWindowPosition, getWindowSize, maximizeWindow, setWindowPosition, setWindowSize, switchToFrame, switchToParentFrame, switchToWindow


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% getWindowHandle() # The current window handle
  remDr %>% getWindowHandles() # All windows in the session

  # Get the window position
  remDr %>% getWindowPosition

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% getWindowPositionOld

  # Get the size of the window
  remDr %>% getWindowSize

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% getWindowSizeOld

  # Set the window size
  remDr %>% setWindowSize(500, 500)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% setWindowSizeOld(500, 500)

  # Set the position of the window
  remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Maximise the window
  remDr %>% maximizeWindow
  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% maximizeWindowold()

  remDr %>% go("")
  # search for the "R project"

  remDr %>% findElement("name", "q") %>%
    elementSendKeys("R project", key = "enter")

  webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "h3.r a")

  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Delete all the cookies.


deleteAllCookies Delete all the cookies that are currently visible.


deleteAllCookies(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other cookies functions: addCookie, deleteCookie, getAllCookies, getNamedCookie


## Not run: 
# assume a server is running at default location
remDr <- remoteDr()
remDr %>% go("") %>%
# get the cookies
remDr %>% getCookie()
# get a named cookie
remDr %>% getCookie("NID")
# add our own cookie
remDr %>% addCookie(name = "myCookie", value = "12")
# check its value
remDr %>% getCookie("myCookie")
# delete our cookie
remDr %>% deleteCookie("myCookie")
# check its deleted
remDr %>% getCookie("myCookie")

# delete all cookies
remDr %>% getCookie()
remDr %>% deleteAllCookies() %>%

remDr %>% deleteSession()

## End(Not run)

Delete a given cookie.


deleteCookie Delete the cookie with the give name.


deleteCookie(remDr, name = NULL, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


character: The name of the cookie; may not be null or an empty string


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other cookies functions: addCookie, deleteAllCookies, getAllCookies, getNamedCookie


## Not run: 
# assume a server is running at default location
remDr <- remoteDr()
remDr %>% go("") %>%
# get the cookies
remDr %>% getCookie()
# get a named cookie
remDr %>% getCookie("NID")
# add our own cookie
remDr %>% addCookie(name = "myCookie", value = "12")
# check its value
remDr %>% getCookie("myCookie")
# delete our cookie
remDr %>% deleteCookie("myCookie")
# check its deleted
remDr %>% getCookie("myCookie")

# delete all cookies
remDr %>% getCookie()
remDr %>% deleteAllCookies() %>%

remDr %>% deleteSession()

## End(Not run)

Delete the session.


deleteSession Delete the session.


deleteSession(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


Returns an object of class "rDriver". The sessionId associated with this driver has been removed however and the associated browser should be closed by the server.

See Also

Other sessions functions: getTimeouts, newSession, setTimeouts, status


## Not run: 
  # start a driver without opening a browser
  remDr <- remoteDr(newSession = FALSE)

  # open a broswer
  remDr %>% newSession

  # set timeout on waiting for elements
  remDr %>% setTimeout(type = "implicit", 5000)

  # close Session
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Dismiss Alert


dismissAlert dismiss a JavaScript alert


dismissAlert(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other userPrompts functions: acceptAlert, getAlertText, sendAlertText


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("") %>%
  sScript <- "setTimeout(function(){alert('HELLO')},1000); return 'DONE';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(sScript, args = list())
  remDr %>% dismissAlert()

  sScript <- "setTimeout(function(){confirm('Press a button')},1000);
              return 'DONE';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(sScript, args = list())
  remDr %>% acceptAlert()

  sScript <- "setTimeout(function(){confirm('Press a button')},1000);
              return 'DONE';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(sScript, args = list())
  remDr %>% getAlertText()
  remDr %>% dismissAlert()

  sScript <-
    "setTimeout(function(){prompt('Please enter your name', '')},1000);
      return 'DONE';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(sScript, args = list())
  remDr %>% getAlertText()
  remDr %>% sendAlertText("Buck Rogers?")

  remDr %>% deleteSession()

## End(Not run)

Dismiss Alert


dismissAlertOld dismiss a JavaScript alert. This uses the old JSONwireprotocol endpoints.


dismissAlertOld(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other oldMethods functions: acceptAlertOld, executeAsyncScriptOld, executeScriptOld, getAlertTextOld, getWindowHandleOld, getWindowHandlesOld, getWindowPositionOld, getWindowSizeOld, maximizeWindowOld, sendAlertTextOld, setWindowPositionOld, setWindowSizeOld


## Not run: 
# functions in this group are using the old JSONwireprotocol end points

## End(Not run)

Clear an elements text value.


elementClear Clear a TEXTAREA or text INPUT element's value.


elementClear(webElem, ...)



An object of class "wElement". A web Element object see wbElement.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(webElem): An object of class "wElement" is invisibly returned. A webElement object see wbElement. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other elementInteraction functions: elementClick, elementSendKeys


## Not run: 
  # start a brower
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  queryBox <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "q")

  # send text to the query box
  queryBox %>% elementSendKeys("Some ", "text")

  # clear the query box
  queryBox %>% elementClear

  # get the search button
  searchBtn <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "btnG")
  # send text to query box
  queryBox %>% elementSendKeys("R project")

  # click the search button
  searchBtn %>% elementClick

  # close browser
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Click on an element.


elementClick The elementClick function scrolls into view the element and clicks the in-view centre point. If the element is not pointer-interactable, an element not interactable error is returned.


elementClick(webElem, ...)



An object of class "wElement". A web Element object see wbElement.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(webElem): An object of class "wElement" is invisibly returned. A webElement object see wbElement. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other elementInteraction functions: elementClear, elementSendKeys


## Not run: 
  # start a brower
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  queryBox <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "q")

  # send text to the query box
  queryBox %>% elementSendKeys("Some ", "text")

  # clear the query box
  queryBox %>% elementClear

  # get the search button
  searchBtn <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "btnG")
  # send text to query box
  queryBox %>% elementSendKeys("R project")

  # click the search button
  searchBtn %>% elementClick

  # close browser
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Send a sequence of key strokes to an element.


elementSendKeys The elementSendKeys function scrolls into view the form control element and then sends the provided keys to the element. In case the element is not keyboard interactable, an element not interactable error is returned.


elementSendKeys(webElem, ...)



An object of class "wElement". A web Element object see wbElement.


keys to send the element. seleniumPipes includes mappings to unicode keys see selKeys. To use one of this name the string using key. See examples.


invisible(webElem): An object of class "wElement" is invisibly returned. A webElement object see wbElement. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other elementInteraction functions: elementClear, elementClick


## Not run: 
  # start a brower
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  queryBox <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "q")

  # send text to the query box
  queryBox %>% elementSendKeys("Some ", "text")

  # clear the query box
  queryBox %>% elementClear

  # get the search button
  searchBtn <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "btnG")
  # send text to query box
  queryBox %>% elementSendKeys("R project")

  # click the search button
  searchBtn %>% elementClick

  # close browser
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Returns the content from remote webdriver


errorContent returns the content from the remote webdriver on an error.




returns content see content


## Not run: 
remDr <- remoteDr()
remDr %>% findElement("name", "sdofnsdofk")

## End(Not run)

Return the response from remote webdriver


errorResponse returns the response from the remote webdriver on an error.




returns response see VERB. Headers, request etc. can be examined from this object.


## Not run: 
remDr <- remoteDr()
remDr %>% findElement("name", "sdofnsdofk")

## End(Not run)

Execute JavaScript asynchronously on browser.


executeAsyncScript Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for asynchronous execution in the context of the currently selected frame.


executeAsyncScript(remDr, script, args = list(), replace = TRUE, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


character: The script to inject.


The arguments of the script as a list.


logical: If TRUE any elements identify as web Elements are converted to such.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


The driver will pass a callback as the last argument to the snippet, and block until the callback is invoked.


If replace is TRUE parses the response from the server for web Elements and converts as such. Otherwise the content returned is assummed to be a simple list.

See Also

Other documentHandling functions: executeScript, getPageSource


## Not run: 
remDr <- remoteDr()
# Get the page source
remDr %>% go("") %>%

remDr %>% getTitle()
webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "img#hplogo")
# check if the logo is hidden
remDr %>% executeScript("return document.getElementById('hplogo').hidden;",
                        args = list())
# [1] FALSE
# hide the logo
remDr %>% executeScript("document.getElementById('hplogo').hidden = true;",
                        args = list())
# Make the logo visible this time passing a web Element as an argument
remDr %>% executeScript(script = "return arguments[0].hidden = false;",
                        args = list(webElem))

# Pass arguments
remDr %>% executeScript(script = "return argument[1] + argument[2];"
                        , args = list(1, 2))

# Return a web Element
remDr %>% executeScript(
  script = "return document.getElementById('hplogo');",
  args = list())
# ElementId: 0
# Remote Driver:
#   Remote Ip Address: http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
# Remote sessionId: 9a83672a-d72b-4873-aa7d-96f7f1f80fa0

# Return a web Element in a more complex object
script <-
  "var test ={num:1, str:'a', el:document.getElementById('hplogo')};
    return test;"
remDr %>% executeScript(script = script
                        , args = list())
# $str
# [1] "a"
# $num
# [1] 1
# $el
# ElementId: 0
# Remote Driver:
#   Remote Ip Address: http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
# Remote sessionId: 9a83672a-d72b-4873-aa7d-96f7f1f80fa0

# Run with replace = FALSE
remDr %>% executeScript(script = script
                        , args = list(), replace = FALSE)
# $str
# [1] "a"
# $num
# [1] 1
# $el
# [1] "0"

remDr %>% setTimeout("script")

asScript <- "cb = arguments[0];setTimeout(function(){cb('DONE');},5000); "
system.time(test1 <- remDr %>% executeAsyncScript(asScript, args = list()))
sScript <- "setTimeout(function(){},5000); return 'DONE';"
system.time(test2 <- remDr %>% executeScript(sScript, args = list()))

remDr %>% deleteSession()

## End(Not run)



executeAsyncScriptOld This function uses the old JSONwireprotocol end points. Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for asynchronous execution in the context of the currently selected frame.


executeAsyncScriptOld(remDr, script, args = list(), replace = TRUE, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


character: The script to inject.


The arguments of the script as a list.


logical: If TRUE any elements identify as web Elements are converted to such.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


The driver will pass a callback as the last argument to the snippet, and block until the callback is invoked.


If replace is TRUE parses the response from the server for web Elements and converts as such. Otherwise the content returned is assummed to be a simple list.

See Also

Other oldMethods functions: acceptAlertOld, dismissAlertOld, executeScriptOld, getAlertTextOld, getWindowHandleOld, getWindowHandlesOld, getWindowPositionOld, getWindowSizeOld, maximizeWindowOld, sendAlertTextOld, setWindowPositionOld, setWindowSizeOld


## Not run: 
# functions in this group are using the old JSONwireprotocol end points

## End(Not run)

Execute JavaScript on browser.


executeScript Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for execution in the context of the currently selected frame. The executed script is assumed to be synchronous and the result of evaluating the script will be returned.


executeScript(remDr, script, args = list(), replace = TRUE, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


character: The script to inject.


The arguments of the script as a list.


logical: If TRUE any elements identify as web Elements are converted to such.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


If replace is TRUE parses the response from the server for web Elements and converts as such. Otherwise the content returned is assummed to be a simple list.

See Also

Other documentHandling functions: executeAsyncScript, getPageSource


## Not run: 
remDr <- remoteDr()
# Get the page source
remDr %>% go("") %>%

remDr %>% getTitle()
webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "img#hplogo")
# check if the logo is hidden
remDr %>% executeScript("return document.getElementById('hplogo').hidden;",
                        args = list())
# [1] FALSE
# hide the logo
remDr %>% executeScript("document.getElementById('hplogo').hidden = true;",
                        args = list())
# Make the logo visible this time passing a web Element as an argument
remDr %>% executeScript(script = "return arguments[0].hidden = false;",
                        args = list(webElem))

# Pass arguments
remDr %>% executeScript(script = "return argument[1] + argument[2];"
                        , args = list(1, 2))

# Return a web Element
remDr %>% executeScript(
  script = "return document.getElementById('hplogo');",
  args = list())
# ElementId: 0
# Remote Driver:
#   Remote Ip Address: http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
# Remote sessionId: 9a83672a-d72b-4873-aa7d-96f7f1f80fa0

# Return a web Element in a more complex object
script <-
  "var test ={num:1, str:'a', el:document.getElementById('hplogo')};
    return test;"
remDr %>% executeScript(script = script
                        , args = list())
# $str
# [1] "a"
# $num
# [1] 1
# $el
# ElementId: 0
# Remote Driver:
#   Remote Ip Address: http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
# Remote sessionId: 9a83672a-d72b-4873-aa7d-96f7f1f80fa0

# Run with replace = FALSE
remDr %>% executeScript(script = script
                        , args = list(), replace = FALSE)
# $str
# [1] "a"
# $num
# [1] 1
# $el
# [1] "0"

remDr %>% setTimeout("script")

asScript <- "cb = arguments[0];setTimeout(function(){cb('DONE');},5000); "
system.time(test1 <- remDr %>% executeAsyncScript(asScript, args = list()))
sScript <- "setTimeout(function(){},5000); return 'DONE';"
system.time(test2 <- remDr %>% executeScript(sScript, args = list()))

remDr %>% deleteSession()

## End(Not run)

Execute JavaScript asynchronously on browser.


executeScriptOld This function uses the old JSONwireprotocol end points. Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for execution in the context of the currently selected frame. The executed script is assumed to be synchronous and the result of evaluating the script will be returned.


executeScriptOld(remDr, script, args = list(), replace = TRUE, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


character: The script to inject.


The arguments of the script as a list.


logical: If TRUE any elements identify as web Elements are converted to such.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


If replace is TRUE parses the response from the server for web Elements and converts as such. Otherwise the content returned is assummed to be a simple list.

See Also

Other oldMethods functions: acceptAlertOld, dismissAlertOld, executeAsyncScriptOld, getAlertTextOld, getWindowHandleOld, getWindowHandlesOld, getWindowPositionOld, getWindowSizeOld, maximizeWindowOld, sendAlertTextOld, setWindowPositionOld, setWindowSizeOld


## Not run: 
# functions in this group are using the old JSONwireprotocol end points

## End(Not run)

Search for an element on the page


findElement Search for an element on the page, starting from the document root. The located element will be returned as an object of "wElement" class


findElement(remDr, using = c("xpath", "css selector", "id", "name",
  "tag name", "class name", "link text", "partial link text"), value, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Locator scheme to use to search the element, available schemes: "class name", "css selector", "id", "name", "link text", "partial link text", "tag name", "xpath" . Defaults to 'xpath'. Partial string matching is accepted.


The search target. See examples.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


Details of possible locator schemes

"class name" :

Returns an element whose class name contains the search value; compound class names are not permitted.

"css selector" :

Returns an element matching a CSS selector.

"id" :

Returns an element whose ID attribute matches the search value.

"name" :

Returns an element whose NAME attribute matches the search value.

"link text" :

Returns an anchor element whose visible text matches the search value.

"partial link text" :

Returns an anchor element whose visible text partially matches the search value.

"tag name" :

Returns an element whose tag name matches the search value.

"xpath" :

Returns an element matching an XPath expression.


invisible(wbElement(res$value, remDr)): An object of class "wElement" is invisibly returned. A webElement object see wbElement. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other elementRetrieval functions: findElementFromElement, findElementsFromElement, findElements, getActiveElement


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  # find the search form query box and search for "R project"
  webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "q") %>%
    elementSendKeys("R project", key = "enter")
  # click the first link hopefully should be
  remDr %>% findElement("css", "h3.r a") %>% elementClick

  # get the navigation div
  navElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "div[role='navigation']")

  # find all the links in this div
  navLinks <- navElem %>% findElementsFromElement("css", "a")

  # check the links
  nLinks <- sapply(navLinks, function(x) x %>% getElementText)

  # compare with all links
  allLinks <- remDr %>% findElements("css", "a")
  aLinks <- sapply(allLinks, function(x) x %>% getElementText)

  # show the effect of searching for elements from element
  aLinks %in% nLinks

  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Search for an element on the page, starting from another element


findElementFromElement Search for an element on the page, starting from the node defined by the parent webElement. The located element will be returned as an object of wElement class.


findElementFromElement(webElem, using = c("xpath", "css selector", "id",
  "name", "tag name", "class name", "link text", "partial link text"), value,



An object of class "wElement". A web Element object see wbElement.


Locator scheme to use to search the element, available schemes: "class name", "css selector", "id", "name", "link text", "partial link text", "tag name", "xpath" . Defaults to 'xpath'. Partial string matching is accepted.


The search target. See examples.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


Details of possible locator schemes

"class name" :

Returns an element whose class name contains the search value; compound class names are not permitted.

"css selector" :

Returns an element matching a CSS selector.

"id" :

Returns an element whose ID attribute matches the search value.

"name" :

Returns an element whose NAME attribute matches the search value.

"link text" :

Returns an anchor element whose visible text matches the search value.

"partial link text" :

Returns an anchor element whose visible text partially matches the search value.

"tag name" :

Returns an element whose tag name matches the search value.

"xpath" :

Returns an element matching an XPath expression.


invisible(wbElement(res$value, webElem$remDr)): An object of class "wElement" is invisibly returned. A webElement object see wbElement. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other elementRetrieval functions: findElementsFromElement, findElements, findElement, getActiveElement


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  # find the search form query box and search for "R project"
  webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "q") %>%
    elementSendKeys("R project", key = "enter")
  # click the first link hopefully should be
  remDr %>% findElement("css", "h3.r a") %>% elementClick

  # get the navigation div
  navElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "div[role='navigation']")

  # find all the links in this div
  navLinks <- navElem %>% findElementsFromElement("css", "a")

  # check the links
  nLinks <- sapply(navLinks, function(x) x %>% getElementText)

  # compare with all links
  allLinks <- remDr %>% findElements("css", "a")
  aLinks <- sapply(allLinks, function(x) x %>% getElementText)

  # show the effect of searching for elements from element
  aLinks %in% nLinks

  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Search for multiple elements on the page


findElements Search for multiple elements on the page, starting from the document root. The located elements will be returned as a list of objects of class wElement.


findElements(remDr, using = c("xpath", "css selector", "id", "name",
  "tag name", "class name", "link text", "partial link text"), value, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Locator scheme to use to search the element, available schemes: "class name", "css selector", "id", "name", "link text", "partial link text", "tag name", "xpath" . Defaults to 'xpath'. Partial string matching is accepted.


The search target. See examples.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


Details of possible locator schemes

"class name" :

Returns an element whose class name contains the search value; compound class names are not permitted.

"css selector" :

Returns an element matching a CSS selector.

"id" :

Returns an element whose ID attribute matches the search value.

"name" :

Returns an element whose NAME attribute matches the search value.

"link text" :

Returns an anchor element whose visible text matches the search value.

"partial link text" :

Returns an anchor element whose visible text partially matches the search value.

"tag name" :

Returns an element whose tag name matches the search value.

"xpath" :

Returns an element matching an XPath expression.


invisible(lapply(res$value, wbElement, remDr = remDr)): A list of objects of class "wElement" is invisibly returned. A webElement object see wbElement. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other elementRetrieval functions: findElementFromElement, findElementsFromElement, findElement, getActiveElement


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  # find the search form query box and search for "R project"
  webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "q") %>%
    elementSendKeys("R project", key = "enter")
  # click the first link hopefully should be
  remDr %>% findElement("css", "h3.r a") %>% elementClick

  # get the navigation div
  navElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "div[role='navigation']")

  # find all the links in this div
  navLinks <- navElem %>% findElementsFromElement("css", "a")

  # check the links
  nLinks <- sapply(navLinks, function(x) x %>% getElementText)

  # compare with all links
  allLinks <- remDr %>% findElements("css", "a")
  aLinks <- sapply(allLinks, function(x) x %>% getElementText)

  # show the effect of searching for elements from element
  aLinks %in% nLinks

  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Search for multiple elements on the page, starting from another element.


findElementsFromElement Search for multiple elements on the page, starting from the node defined by the parent webElement. The located elements will be returned as an list of objects of class wElement.


findElementsFromElement(webElem, using = c("xpath", "css selector", "id",
  "name", "tag name", "class name", "link text", "partial link text"), value,



An object of class "wElement". A web Element object see wbElement.


Locator scheme to use to search the element, available schemes: "class name", "css selector", "id", "name", "link text", "partial link text", "tag name", "xpath" . Defaults to 'xpath'. Partial string matching is accepted.


The search target. See examples.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


Details of possible locator schemes

"class name" :

Returns an element whose class name contains the search value; compound class names are not permitted.

"css selector" :

Returns an element matching a CSS selector.

"id" :

Returns an element whose ID attribute matches the search value.

"name" :

Returns an element whose NAME attribute matches the search value.

"link text" :

Returns an anchor element whose visible text matches the search value.

"partial link text" :

Returns an anchor element whose visible text partially matches the search value.

"tag name" :

Returns an element whose tag name matches the search value.

"xpath" :

Returns an element matching an XPath expression.


invisible(lapply(res$value, wbElement, remDr = webElem$remDr)): A list of objects of class "wElement" is invisibly returned. A webElement object see wbElement. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other elementRetrieval functions: findElementFromElement, findElements, findElement, getActiveElement


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  # find the search form query box and search for "R project"
  webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "q") %>%
    elementSendKeys("R project", key = "enter")
  # click the first link hopefully should be
  remDr %>% findElement("css", "h3.r a") %>% elementClick

  # get the navigation div
  navElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "div[role='navigation']")

  # find all the links in this div
  navLinks <- navElem %>% findElementsFromElement("css", "a")

  # check the links
  nLinks <- sapply(navLinks, function(x) x %>% getElementText)

  # compare with all links
  allLinks <- remDr %>% findElements("css", "a")
  aLinks <- sapply(allLinks, function(x) x %>% getElementText)

  # show the effect of searching for elements from element
  aLinks %in% nLinks

  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Navigate forwards


forward Navigate forwards in the browser history, if possible.


forward(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other navigation functions: back, getCurrentUrl, getTitle, go, refresh


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  # get the title
  remDr %>% getTitle

  # get the current page url
  remDr %>% getCurrentUrl

  # navigate
  remDr %>% go("")

  # go back
  remDr %>% (seleniumPipes::back)

  # go forward
  remDr %>% forward

  # refresh page
  remDr %>% refresh

  # close browser
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Make current window full-screen


fullscreenWindow The Fullscreen Window command invokes the window manager-specific “full screen” operation, if any, on the window containing the current top-level browsing context. This typically increases the window to the size of the physical display and can hide browser UI elements such as toolbars.


fullscreenWindow(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other commandContexts functions: closeWindow, getWindowHandles, getWindowHandle, getWindowPosition, getWindowSize, maximizeWindow, setWindowPosition, setWindowSize, switchToFrame, switchToParentFrame, switchToWindow


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% getWindowHandle() # The current window handle
  remDr %>% getWindowHandles() # All windows in the session

  # Get the window position
  remDr %>% getWindowPosition

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% getWindowPositionOld

  # Get the size of the window
  remDr %>% getWindowSize

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% getWindowSizeOld

  # Set the window size
  remDr %>% setWindowSize(500, 500)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% setWindowSizeOld(500, 500)

  # Set the position of the window
  remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Maximise the window
  remDr %>% maximizeWindow
  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% maximizeWindowold()

  remDr %>% go("")
  # search for the "R project"

  remDr %>% findElement("name", "q") %>%
    elementSendKeys("R project", key = "enter")

  webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "h3.r a")

  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Get the element on the page that currently has focus.


getActiveElement Get the element on the page that currently has focus. The located element will be returned as a WebcElement object.


getActiveElement(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(wbElement(res$value, remDr)): An object of class "wElement" is invisibly returned. A webElement object see wbElement. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other elementRetrieval functions: findElementFromElement, findElementsFromElement, findElements, findElement


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  # find the search form query box and search for "R project"
  webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "q") %>%
    elementSendKeys("R project", key = "enter")
  # click the first link hopefully should be
  remDr %>% findElement("css", "h3.r a") %>% elementClick

  # get the navigation div
  navElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "div[role='navigation']")

  # find all the links in this div
  navLinks <- navElem %>% findElementsFromElement("css", "a")

  # check the links
  nLinks <- sapply(navLinks, function(x) x %>% getElementText)

  # compare with all links
  allLinks <- remDr %>% findElements("css", "a")
  aLinks <- sapply(allLinks, function(x) x %>% getElementText)

  # show the effect of searching for elements from element
  aLinks %in% nLinks

  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Get alert text


getAlertText Get the text from a JavaScript alert.


getAlertText(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


The text from the alert is returned.

See Also

Other userPrompts functions: acceptAlert, dismissAlert, sendAlertText


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("") %>%
  sScript <- "setTimeout(function(){alert('HELLO')},1000); return 'DONE';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(sScript, args = list())
  remDr %>% dismissAlert()

  sScript <- "setTimeout(function(){confirm('Press a button')},1000);
              return 'DONE';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(sScript, args = list())
  remDr %>% acceptAlert()

  sScript <- "setTimeout(function(){confirm('Press a button')},1000);
              return 'DONE';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(sScript, args = list())
  remDr %>% getAlertText()
  remDr %>% dismissAlert()

  sScript <-
    "setTimeout(function(){prompt('Please enter your name', '')},1000);
      return 'DONE';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(sScript, args = list())
  remDr %>% getAlertText()
  remDr %>% sendAlertText("Buck Rogers?")

  remDr %>% deleteSession()

## End(Not run)

Get alert text


getAlertTextOld Get the text from a JavaScript alert. This uses the old JSONwireprotocol endpoints.


getAlertTextOld(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


The alert text is returned as a string.

See Also

Other oldMethods functions: acceptAlertOld, dismissAlertOld, executeAsyncScriptOld, executeScriptOld, getWindowHandleOld, getWindowHandlesOld, getWindowPositionOld, getWindowSizeOld, maximizeWindowOld, sendAlertTextOld, setWindowPositionOld, setWindowSizeOld


## Not run: 
# functions in this group are using the old JSONwireprotocol end points

## End(Not run)

Get all current domain cookies


getAllCookies Get all the cookies for the current domain.


getAllCookies(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


A list of all the cookies on the current domain are returned. These cookies have values as stipulated by the arguments given in addCookie.

See Also

Other cookies functions: addCookie, deleteAllCookies, deleteCookie, getNamedCookie


## Not run: 
# assume a server is running at default location
remDr <- remoteDr()
remDr %>% go("") %>%
# get the cookies
remDr %>% getCookie()
# get a named cookie
remDr %>% getCookie("NID")
# add our own cookie
remDr %>% addCookie(name = "myCookie", value = "12")
# check its value
remDr %>% getCookie("myCookie")
# delete our cookie
remDr %>% deleteCookie("myCookie")
# check its deleted
remDr %>% getCookie("myCookie")

# delete all cookies
remDr %>% getCookie()
remDr %>% deleteAllCookies() %>%

remDr %>% deleteSession()

## End(Not run)

Retrieve the URL of the current page.


getCurrentUrl Retrieve the URL of the current page.


getCurrentUrl(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


A character string is returned giving the current page URL.

See Also

Other navigation functions: back, forward, getTitle, go, refresh


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  # get the title
  remDr %>% getTitle

  # get the current page url
  remDr %>% getCurrentUrl

  # navigate
  remDr %>% go("")

  # go back
  remDr %>% (seleniumPipes::back)

  # go forward
  remDr %>% forward

  # refresh page
  remDr %>% refresh

  # close browser
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Get the value of an element's attribute.


getElementAttribute Get the value of an element's attribute.


getElementAttribute(webElem, attribute, ...)



An object of class "wElement". A web Element object see wbElement.


The attribute to query as a character string.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


The value of the attribute, or null if it is not set on the element.

See Also

Other elementState functions: getElementCssValue, getElementProperty, getElementRect, getElementTagName, getElementText, isElementEnabled, isElementSelected


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  # select the search box
  searchElem <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "q")

  # get the name of our element
  searchElem %>% getElementAttribute("name")

  # get the css background-color
  searchElem %>% getElementCssValue("background-color")
  blueScript <- "arguments[0].style.backgroundColor = 'blue';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(blueScript, list(searchElem))
  searchElem %>% getElementCssValue("background-color")

  # get the javascript property
  # searchElem %>% getElementProperty("backgroundColor")

  # get dimensions
  searchElem %>% getElementRect

  searchElem %>% getElementTagName

  # get some text and return it
  remDr %>% go("")
  remDr %>% findElement("css", "h1") %>% getElementText

  # close browser
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Query the value of an element's computed CSS property.


getElementCssValue Query the value of an element's computed CSS property. The CSS property to query should be specified using the CSS property name, not the JavaScript property name (e.g. background-color instead of backgroundColor).


getElementCssValue(webElem, propertyName, ...)



An object of class "wElement". A web Element object see wbElement.


The property to query as a character string


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


The value of the specified CSS property.

See Also

Other elementState functions: getElementAttribute, getElementProperty, getElementRect, getElementTagName, getElementText, isElementEnabled, isElementSelected


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  # select the search box
  searchElem <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "q")

  # get the name of our element
  searchElem %>% getElementAttribute("name")

  # get the css background-color
  searchElem %>% getElementCssValue("background-color")
  blueScript <- "arguments[0].style.backgroundColor = 'blue';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(blueScript, list(searchElem))
  searchElem %>% getElementCssValue("background-color")

  # get the javascript property
  # searchElem %>% getElementProperty("backgroundColor")

  # get dimensions
  searchElem %>% getElementRect

  searchElem %>% getElementTagName

  # get some text and return it
  remDr %>% go("")
  remDr %>% findElement("css", "h1") %>% getElementText

  # close browser
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Query the value of an elements property.


getElementProperty Query the value of an elements property.


getElementProperty(webElem, property, ...)



An object of class "wElement". A web Element object see wbElement.


The property to query as a character string


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


The value of the elements specified property.

See Also

Other elementState functions: getElementAttribute, getElementCssValue, getElementRect, getElementTagName, getElementText, isElementEnabled, isElementSelected


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  # select the search box
  searchElem <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "q")

  # get the name of our element
  searchElem %>% getElementAttribute("name")

  # get the css background-color
  searchElem %>% getElementCssValue("background-color")
  blueScript <- "arguments[0].style.backgroundColor = 'blue';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(blueScript, list(searchElem))
  searchElem %>% getElementCssValue("background-color")

  # get the javascript property
  # searchElem %>% getElementProperty("backgroundColor")

  # get dimensions
  searchElem %>% getElementRect

  searchElem %>% getElementTagName

  # get some text and return it
  remDr %>% go("")
  remDr %>% findElement("css", "h1") %>% getElementText

  # close browser
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Return the dimensions and coordinates of an element


getElementRect The getElementRect fuinction returns the dimensions and coordinates of the given web element.


getElementRect(webElem, ...)



An object of class "wElement". A web Element object see wbElement.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


The returned value is a list including the following members:


X axis position of the top-left corner of the web element relative to the current browsing context’s document element in CSS reference pixels.


Y axis position of the top-left corner of the web element relative to the current browsing context’s document element in CSS reference pixels.


Height of the web element’s bounding rectangle in CSS reference pixels.


Width of the web element’s bounding rectangle in CSS reference pixels.

See Also

Other elementState functions: getElementAttribute, getElementCssValue, getElementProperty, getElementTagName, getElementText, isElementEnabled, isElementSelected


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  # select the search box
  searchElem <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "q")

  # get the name of our element
  searchElem %>% getElementAttribute("name")

  # get the css background-color
  searchElem %>% getElementCssValue("background-color")
  blueScript <- "arguments[0].style.backgroundColor = 'blue';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(blueScript, list(searchElem))
  searchElem %>% getElementCssValue("background-color")

  # get the javascript property
  # searchElem %>% getElementProperty("backgroundColor")

  # get dimensions
  searchElem %>% getElementRect

  searchElem %>% getElementTagName

  # get some text and return it
  remDr %>% go("")
  remDr %>% findElement("css", "h1") %>% getElementText

  # close browser
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Query for an element's tag name.


getElementTagName Query for an element's tag name.


getElementTagName(webElem, ...)



An object of class "wElement". A web Element object see wbElement.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


The element's tag name, as a lowercase character string.

See Also

Other elementState functions: getElementAttribute, getElementCssValue, getElementProperty, getElementRect, getElementText, isElementEnabled, isElementSelected


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  # select the search box
  searchElem <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "q")

  # get the name of our element
  searchElem %>% getElementAttribute("name")

  # get the css background-color
  searchElem %>% getElementCssValue("background-color")
  blueScript <- "arguments[0].style.backgroundColor = 'blue';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(blueScript, list(searchElem))
  searchElem %>% getElementCssValue("background-color")

  # get the javascript property
  # searchElem %>% getElementProperty("backgroundColor")

  # get dimensions
  searchElem %>% getElementRect

  searchElem %>% getElementTagName

  # get some text and return it
  remDr %>% go("")
  remDr %>% findElement("css", "h1") %>% getElementText

  # close browser
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Returns the visible text for the element.


getElementText Returns the visible text for the element.


getElementText(webElem, ...)



An object of class "wElement". A web Element object see wbElement.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


The visible text for an element is returned as a character string.

See Also

Other elementState functions: getElementAttribute, getElementCssValue, getElementProperty, getElementRect, getElementTagName, isElementEnabled, isElementSelected


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  # select the search box
  searchElem <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "q")

  # get the name of our element
  searchElem %>% getElementAttribute("name")

  # get the css background-color
  searchElem %>% getElementCssValue("background-color")
  blueScript <- "arguments[0].style.backgroundColor = 'blue';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(blueScript, list(searchElem))
  searchElem %>% getElementCssValue("background-color")

  # get the javascript property
  # searchElem %>% getElementProperty("backgroundColor")

  # get dimensions
  searchElem %>% getElementRect

  searchElem %>% getElementTagName

  # get some text and return it
  remDr %>% go("")
  remDr %>% findElement("css", "h1") %>% getElementText

  # close browser
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Get a named cookie


getNamedCookie Get the cookie with a given name.


getNamedCookie(remDr, name = NULL, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


character: The name of the cookie; may not be null or an empty string


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


A named cookies from the current domain is returned if it exists. These cookies have values as stipulated by the arguments given in addCookie.

See Also

Other cookies functions: addCookie, deleteAllCookies, deleteCookie, getAllCookies


## Not run: 
# assume a server is running at default location
remDr <- remoteDr()
remDr %>% go("") %>%
# get the cookies
remDr %>% getCookie()
# get a named cookie
remDr %>% getCookie("NID")
# add our own cookie
remDr %>% addCookie(name = "myCookie", value = "12")
# check its value
remDr %>% getCookie("myCookie")
# delete our cookie
remDr %>% deleteCookie("myCookie")
# check its deleted
remDr %>% getCookie("myCookie")

# delete all cookies
remDr %>% getCookie()
remDr %>% deleteAllCookies() %>%

remDr %>% deleteSession()

## End(Not run)

Get source of last page.


getPageSource Get the source of the last loaded page.


getPageSource(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


read_html(res$value): An xml document is returned. The content from the remote webdriver is parsed (see read_html) and returned as xml.

See Also

Other documentHandling functions: executeAsyncScript, executeScript


## Not run: 
remDr <- remoteDr()
# Get the page source
remDr %>% go("") %>%

remDr %>% getTitle()
webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "img#hplogo")
# check if the logo is hidden
remDr %>% executeScript("return document.getElementById('hplogo').hidden;",
                        args = list())
# [1] FALSE
# hide the logo
remDr %>% executeScript("document.getElementById('hplogo').hidden = true;",
                        args = list())
# Make the logo visible this time passing a web Element as an argument
remDr %>% executeScript(script = "return arguments[0].hidden = false;",
                        args = list(webElem))

# Pass arguments
remDr %>% executeScript(script = "return argument[1] + argument[2];"
                        , args = list(1, 2))

# Return a web Element
remDr %>% executeScript(
  script = "return document.getElementById('hplogo');",
  args = list())
# ElementId: 0
# Remote Driver:
#   Remote Ip Address: http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
# Remote sessionId: 9a83672a-d72b-4873-aa7d-96f7f1f80fa0

# Return a web Element in a more complex object
script <-
  "var test ={num:1, str:'a', el:document.getElementById('hplogo')};
    return test;"
remDr %>% executeScript(script = script
                        , args = list())
# $str
# [1] "a"
# $num
# [1] 1
# $el
# ElementId: 0
# Remote Driver:
#   Remote Ip Address: http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
# Remote sessionId: 9a83672a-d72b-4873-aa7d-96f7f1f80fa0

# Run with replace = FALSE
remDr %>% executeScript(script = script
                        , args = list(), replace = FALSE)
# $str
# [1] "a"
# $num
# [1] 1
# $el
# [1] "0"

remDr %>% setTimeout("script")

asScript <- "cb = arguments[0];setTimeout(function(){cb('DONE');},5000); "
system.time(test1 <- remDr %>% executeAsyncScript(asScript, args = list()))
sScript <- "setTimeout(function(){},5000); return 'DONE';"
system.time(test2 <- remDr %>% executeScript(sScript, args = list()))

remDr %>% deleteSession()

## End(Not run)

Get amount of time that a particular type of operation can execute in.


getTimeouts The Get Timeout command gets timeouts associated with the current session.


getTimeouts(remDr, type = "page load", ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


The type of operation to set the timeout for. Valid values are: "script" for script timeouts, "implicit" for modifying the implicit wait timeout and "page load" for setting a page load timeout.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


ret2 : res$value NEED TO FILL IN specifics for each function

See Also

Other sessions functions: deleteSession, newSession, setTimeouts, status


## Not run: 
  # start a driver without opening a browser
  remDr <- remoteDr(newSession = FALSE)

  # open a broswer
  remDr %>% newSession

  # set timeout on waiting for elements
  remDr %>% setTimeout(type = "implicit", 5000)

  # close Session
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Get the current page title.


getTitle Get the current page title.


getTitle(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


The title of the current page is returned as a character string.

See Also

Other navigation functions: back, forward, getCurrentUrl, go, refresh


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  # get the title
  remDr %>% getTitle

  # get the current page url
  remDr %>% getCurrentUrl

  # navigate
  remDr %>% go("")

  # go back
  remDr %>% (seleniumPipes::back)

  # go forward
  remDr %>% forward

  # refresh page
  remDr %>% refresh

  # close browser
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

get current window handle


getWindowHandle Retrieve the current window handle.


getWindowHandle(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


Returns a string which is the "handle" for the current window.

See Also

Other commandContexts functions: closeWindow, fullscreenWindow, getWindowHandles, getWindowPosition, getWindowSize, maximizeWindow, setWindowPosition, setWindowSize, switchToFrame, switchToParentFrame, switchToWindow


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% getWindowHandle() # The current window handle
  remDr %>% getWindowHandles() # All windows in the session

  # Get the window position
  remDr %>% getWindowPosition

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% getWindowPositionOld

  # Get the size of the window
  remDr %>% getWindowSize

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% getWindowSizeOld

  # Set the window size
  remDr %>% setWindowSize(500, 500)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% setWindowSizeOld(500, 500)

  # Set the position of the window
  remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Maximise the window
  remDr %>% maximizeWindow
  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% maximizeWindowold()

  remDr %>% go("")
  # search for the "R project"

  remDr %>% findElement("name", "q") %>%
    elementSendKeys("R project", key = "enter")

  webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "h3.r a")

  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Retrieve the current window handle.


getWindowHandleOld Retrieve the current window handle. Uses the old JSONwireprotocol end points


getWindowHandleOld(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


Returns a string which is the "handle" for the current window.

See Also

Other oldMethods functions: acceptAlertOld, dismissAlertOld, executeAsyncScriptOld, executeScriptOld, getAlertTextOld, getWindowHandlesOld, getWindowPositionOld, getWindowSizeOld, maximizeWindowOld, sendAlertTextOld, setWindowPositionOld, setWindowSizeOld


## Not run: 
# functions in this group are using the old JSONwireprotocol end points

## End(Not run)

Get all window handles.


getWindowHandles Retrieve the list of all window handles available to the session.


getWindowHandles(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


Returns a list of windows handles. Each element of the list is a string. The order window handles are returned is arbitrary.

See Also

Other commandContexts functions: closeWindow, fullscreenWindow, getWindowHandle, getWindowPosition, getWindowSize, maximizeWindow, setWindowPosition, setWindowSize, switchToFrame, switchToParentFrame, switchToWindow


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% getWindowHandle() # The current window handle
  remDr %>% getWindowHandles() # All windows in the session

  # Get the window position
  remDr %>% getWindowPosition

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% getWindowPositionOld

  # Get the size of the window
  remDr %>% getWindowSize

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% getWindowSizeOld

  # Set the window size
  remDr %>% setWindowSize(500, 500)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% setWindowSizeOld(500, 500)

  # Set the position of the window
  remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Maximise the window
  remDr %>% maximizeWindow
  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% maximizeWindowold()

  remDr %>% go("")
  # search for the "R project"

  remDr %>% findElement("name", "q") %>%
    elementSendKeys("R project", key = "enter")

  webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "h3.r a")

  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Get all window handles.


getWindowHandlesOld Uses the old JSONwireprotocol end points. Retrieve the list of all window handles available to the session.


getWindowHandlesOld(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


Returns a list of windows handles. Each element of the list is a string. The order window handles are returned is arbitrary.

See Also

Other oldMethods functions: acceptAlertOld, dismissAlertOld, executeAsyncScriptOld, executeScriptOld, getAlertTextOld, getWindowHandleOld, getWindowPositionOld, getWindowSizeOld, maximizeWindowOld, sendAlertTextOld, setWindowPositionOld, setWindowSizeOld


## Not run: 
# functions in this group are using the old JSONwireprotocol end points

## End(Not run)

Get current window position


getWindowPosition The Get Window Position command returns the position on the screen of the operating system window corresponding to the current top-level browsing context.


getWindowPosition(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


Returns a list which contains the x coordinate to position the window at, relative to the upper left corner of the screen and the Y coordinate to position the window at, relative to the upper left corner of the screen

See Also

Other commandContexts functions: closeWindow, fullscreenWindow, getWindowHandles, getWindowHandle, getWindowSize, maximizeWindow, setWindowPosition, setWindowSize, switchToFrame, switchToParentFrame, switchToWindow


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% getWindowHandle() # The current window handle
  remDr %>% getWindowHandles() # All windows in the session

  # Get the window position
  remDr %>% getWindowPosition

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% getWindowPositionOld

  # Get the size of the window
  remDr %>% getWindowSize

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% getWindowSizeOld

  # Set the window size
  remDr %>% setWindowSize(500, 500)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% setWindowSizeOld(500, 500)

  # Set the position of the window
  remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Maximise the window
  remDr %>% maximizeWindow
  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% maximizeWindowold()

  remDr %>% go("")
  # search for the "R project"

  remDr %>% findElement("name", "q") %>%
    elementSendKeys("R project", key = "enter")

  webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "h3.r a")

  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Get window position


getWindowPositionOld Get the position of the specified window. Uses the old JSONwireprotocol end points.


getWindowPositionOld(remDr, handle = "current", ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Handle of the window to query. If handle = "current" (the default) the current window is used.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


Returns a list which contains the x coordinate to position the window at, relative to the upper left corner of the screen and the Y coordinate to position the window at, relative to the upper left corner of the screen

See Also

Other oldMethods functions: acceptAlertOld, dismissAlertOld, executeAsyncScriptOld, executeScriptOld, getAlertTextOld, getWindowHandleOld, getWindowHandlesOld, getWindowSizeOld, maximizeWindowOld, sendAlertTextOld, setWindowPositionOld, setWindowSizeOld


## Not run: 
# functions in this group are using the old JSONwireprotocol end points

## End(Not run)





getWindowSize(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


The width and height of the window are returned as elements in a list.

See Also

Other commandContexts functions: closeWindow, fullscreenWindow, getWindowHandles, getWindowHandle, getWindowPosition, maximizeWindow, setWindowPosition, setWindowSize, switchToFrame, switchToParentFrame, switchToWindow


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% getWindowHandle() # The current window handle
  remDr %>% getWindowHandles() # All windows in the session

  # Get the window position
  remDr %>% getWindowPosition

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% getWindowPositionOld

  # Get the size of the window
  remDr %>% getWindowSize

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% getWindowSizeOld

  # Set the window size
  remDr %>% setWindowSize(500, 500)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% setWindowSizeOld(500, 500)

  # Set the position of the window
  remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Maximise the window
  remDr %>% maximizeWindow
  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% maximizeWindowold()

  remDr %>% go("")
  # search for the "R project"

  remDr %>% findElement("name", "q") %>%
    elementSendKeys("R project", key = "enter")

  webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "h3.r a")

  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Get window size


getWindowSizeOld Get the size of the specified window. Uses the old JSONwireprotocol end points.


getWindowSizeOld(remDr, handle = "current", ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Handle of the window to query. If handle = "current" (the default) the current window is used.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


The width and height of the window are returned as elements in a list.

See Also

Other oldMethods functions: acceptAlertOld, dismissAlertOld, executeAsyncScriptOld, executeScriptOld, getAlertTextOld, getWindowHandleOld, getWindowHandlesOld, getWindowPositionOld, maximizeWindowOld, sendAlertTextOld, setWindowPositionOld, setWindowSizeOld


## Not run: 
# functions in this group are using the old JSONwireprotocol end points

## End(Not run)

Navigate to a new URL.


go Navigate to a new URL.


go(remDr, url, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


The URL to navigate to.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other navigation functions: back, forward, getCurrentUrl, getTitle, refresh


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  # get the title
  remDr %>% getTitle

  # get the current page url
  remDr %>% getCurrentUrl

  # navigate
  remDr %>% go("")

  # go back
  remDr %>% (seleniumPipes::back)

  # go forward
  remDr %>% forward

  # refresh page
  remDr %>% refresh

  # close browser
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Determine if an element is currently enabled.


isElementEnabled Determine if an element is currently enabled.


isElementEnabled(webElem, ...)



An object of class "wElement". A web Element object see wbElement.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


A logical value is returned indicating whether the elemnent is enabled.

See Also

Other elementState functions: getElementAttribute, getElementCssValue, getElementProperty, getElementRect, getElementTagName, getElementText, isElementSelected


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  # select the search box
  searchElem <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "q")

  # get the name of our element
  searchElem %>% getElementAttribute("name")

  # get the css background-color
  searchElem %>% getElementCssValue("background-color")
  blueScript <- "arguments[0].style.backgroundColor = 'blue';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(blueScript, list(searchElem))
  searchElem %>% getElementCssValue("background-color")

  # get the javascript property
  # searchElem %>% getElementProperty("backgroundColor")

  # get dimensions
  searchElem %>% getElementRect

  searchElem %>% getElementTagName

  # get some text and return it
  remDr %>% go("")
  remDr %>% findElement("css", "h1") %>% getElementText

  # close browser
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Determine if an element is currently selected.


isElementSelected Determines if an OPTION element, or an INPUT element of type checkbox or radiobutton is currently selected.


isElementSelected(webElem, ...)



An object of class "wElement". A web Element object see wbElement.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


A logical value is returned indicating whether the elemnent is selected.

See Also

Other elementState functions: getElementAttribute, getElementCssValue, getElementProperty, getElementRect, getElementTagName, getElementText, isElementEnabled


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  # select the search box
  searchElem <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "q")

  # get the name of our element
  searchElem %>% getElementAttribute("name")

  # get the css background-color
  searchElem %>% getElementCssValue("background-color")
  blueScript <- "arguments[0].style.backgroundColor = 'blue';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(blueScript, list(searchElem))
  searchElem %>% getElementCssValue("background-color")

  # get the javascript property
  # searchElem %>% getElementProperty("backgroundColor")

  # get dimensions
  searchElem %>% getElementRect

  searchElem %>% getElementTagName

  # get some text and return it
  remDr %>% go("")
  remDr %>% findElement("css", "h1") %>% getElementText

  # close browser
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Maximize the current window.


maximizeWindow Maximize the current if not already maximized.


maximizeWindow(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other commandContexts functions: closeWindow, fullscreenWindow, getWindowHandles, getWindowHandle, getWindowPosition, getWindowSize, setWindowPosition, setWindowSize, switchToFrame, switchToParentFrame, switchToWindow


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% getWindowHandle() # The current window handle
  remDr %>% getWindowHandles() # All windows in the session

  # Get the window position
  remDr %>% getWindowPosition

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% getWindowPositionOld

  # Get the size of the window
  remDr %>% getWindowSize

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% getWindowSizeOld

  # Set the window size
  remDr %>% setWindowSize(500, 500)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% setWindowSizeOld(500, 500)

  # Set the position of the window
  remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Maximise the window
  remDr %>% maximizeWindow
  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% maximizeWindowold()

  remDr %>% go("")
  # search for the "R project"

  remDr %>% findElement("name", "q") %>%
    elementSendKeys("R project", key = "enter")

  webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "h3.r a")

  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Maximize the current window.


maximizeWindowOld Maximize the specified window if not already maximized.


maximizeWindowOld(remDr, handle = "current", ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Handle of the window to query. If handle = "current" (the default) the current window is used.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other oldMethods functions: acceptAlertOld, dismissAlertOld, executeAsyncScriptOld, executeScriptOld, getAlertTextOld, getWindowHandleOld, getWindowHandlesOld, getWindowPositionOld, getWindowSizeOld, sendAlertTextOld, setWindowPositionOld, setWindowSizeOld


## Not run: 
# functions in this group are using the old JSONwireprotocol end points

## End(Not run)

Create a new session.


newSession The server should attempt to create a session that most closely matches the desired and required capabilities. Required capabilities have higher priority than desired capabilities and must be set for the session to be created.


newSession(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other sessions functions: deleteSession, getTimeouts, setTimeouts, status


## Not run: 
  # start a driver without opening a browser
  remDr <- remoteDr(newSession = FALSE)

  # open a broswer
  remDr %>% newSession

  # set timeout on waiting for elements
  remDr %>% setTimeout(type = "implicit", 5000)

  # close Session
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Not currently implemented


performActions The Perform Actions command allows you to create sequential interactions that can be sent over from the local end to the remote end. This type of interactions allow emulations like drag and drop.


performActions(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other interactions functions: releasingActions


## Not run: 
# functions not currently implemented

## End(Not run)

Send a query to remote Driver.


queryDriver A function to send a query to a remote driver. Intended for seleniumPipes internal use mainly.


queryDriver(verb = GET, url, source, drvID, ...)



The http method to use. See VERB


The url of the remote server endpoint.


The name of the seleniumPipes function that called queryDriver.


The driver id of the session as given by an object of class "remoteDr"


additonal arguments


The contents of the response from the remote server. See content for details.


## Not run: 
# internal method

## End(Not run)

Refresh the current page.


refresh Refresh the current page.


refresh(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other navigation functions: back, forward, getCurrentUrl, getTitle, go


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")

  # get the title
  remDr %>% getTitle

  # get the current page url
  remDr %>% getCurrentUrl

  # navigate
  remDr %>% go("")

  # go back
  remDr %>% (seleniumPipes::back)

  # go forward
  remDr %>% forward

  # refresh page
  remDr %>% refresh

  # close browser
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Not currently implemented


releasingActions The Release Actions command is used to cancel all current action chains. This is the equivalent of releasing all modifiers from input sources.


releasingActions(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other interactions functions: performActions


## Not run: 
# functions not currently implemented

## End(Not run)

Create a remote driver


remoteDr: Create a remote Driver object


remoteDr(remoteServerAddr = "http://localhost", port = 4444L,
  browserName = "firefox", version = "", platform = "ANY",
  javascript = TRUE, nativeEvents = TRUE, extraCapabilities = list(),
  path = "wd/hub", newSession = TRUE, ...)



Object of class "character", giving the ip of the remote server. Defaults to localhost


Object of class "integer", the port of the remote server on which to connect


Object of class "character". The name of the browser being used; choices include chrome|firefox|internet explorer|iphone. Defaults to firefox.


Object of class "character". The browser version, or the empty string if unknown.


Object of class "character". A key specifying which platform the browser is running on. This value should be one of WINDOWS|XP|VISTA|MAC|LINUX|UNIX. When requesting a new session, the client may specify "ANY" to indicate any available platform may be used.


Object of class "logical". Whether the session supports executing user supplied JavaScript in the context of the current page.


Object of class "logical". Whether the session supports native events. n WebDriver advanced user interactions are provided by either simulating the Javascript events directly (i.e. synthetic events) or by letting the browser generate the Javascript events (i.e. native events). Native events simulate the user interactions better.


A list containing any os/platform/driver specific arguments.


Path on the server side to issue webdriver calls to. Normally use the default value.


Logical value whether to start an instance of the browser. If TRUE a browser will be opened using newSession


Pass addional arguments to newSession. Currently used to pass retry


An object of class "rDriver" is returned. This is a remote Driver object that is used in many of the remote driver specific functions. Many functions that take a remote driver object as input also return the remote driver object. This allows chaining of commands. See the examples for chaining in action.


## Not run: 
# assume a server is available at the default location.
remDr <- remoteDr()
remDR %>% go("") %>%
 findElement("name", "q") %>%
 elementSendKeys("R project", key = "enter")
# close our browser
remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Documetation of retry argument


The ability to retry function code is enabled by default. retry can be a logical value. If it is TRUE then noTry = getOption("seleniumPipes_no_try") and delay = getOption("seleniumPipes_no_try_delay"). If it is FALSE the facility to have multiple trys of the function call is removed. retry can also be a list with the following named arguments that will override the values in options


Integer indicating how many times to try the function call


Integer indicating delay between trys of the function call


## Not run: 
remDr <- remoteDr()
webElem <- remDr %>% go("") %>%
  findElement("name", "q")
# change the name of q with an 8 second delay
myscript <- "var myElem = arguments[0];
}, 8000);"
remDr %>% executeScript(myscript, args = list(webElem))

newWebElem <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "funkyname")

# > newWebElem <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "funkyname")
# Calling  findElement  - Try no:  1  of  3
# Calling  findElement  - Try no:  2  of  3

newWebElem %>% getElementAttribute("name")

# compare with a function that will fail (no element present)
rList <- list(noTry = 5, delay = 10)
remDr %>% findElement("id", "i am not here", retry = rList)
remDr %>% findElement("id", "i am not here", retry = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

Implements the W3C webdriver specification.


Implements the W3C webdriver specification.

Package options

seleniumPipes uses the following options to configure behaviour:

  • seleniumPipes_display_screenshot: Logical value indicating whether to display PNG returned by takeScreenshot and takeElementScreenshot. Defaults to TRUE

  • seleniumPipes_no_try: An integer giving the number of time to try calling an endpoint on the Selenium Server. Defaults to 3 attempts

  • seleniumPipes_no_try_delay: An integer detailing the delay between attempts to call a failing endpoint on the Selenium Server. Defaults to 5000 miliseconds = 5 seconds.

  • seleniumPipes_SL: A logical value which acts as a flag indicating whether SauiceLabs is being used for package testing.

  • seleniumPipes_selOptions: A list used to store options to pass to remoteDr when running tests.

  • seleniumPipes_sauceID: A character used to store remote session ids when running SauceLab tests on the package.

Selenium key mappings


This data set contains a list of selenium key mappings. The key mappings are outlined at selKeys is used when a sendKeys variable is needed. sendKeys is defined as a list. If an entry is needed from selKeys it is denoted by key.




A named list. The names are the descriptions of the keys. The values are the "UTF-8" character representations.


John Harrison, 2012-10-05


Send text to alert


sendAlertText Send keystrokes to JavaScript prompt() dialog


sendAlertText(remDr, text = "", ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


A character vector of length 1. In other words a string. The text is passed to the JavaScript alert


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other userPrompts functions: acceptAlert, dismissAlert, getAlertText


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("") %>%
  sScript <- "setTimeout(function(){alert('HELLO')},1000); return 'DONE';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(sScript, args = list())
  remDr %>% dismissAlert()

  sScript <- "setTimeout(function(){confirm('Press a button')},1000);
              return 'DONE';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(sScript, args = list())
  remDr %>% acceptAlert()

  sScript <- "setTimeout(function(){confirm('Press a button')},1000);
              return 'DONE';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(sScript, args = list())
  remDr %>% getAlertText()
  remDr %>% dismissAlert()

  sScript <-
    "setTimeout(function(){prompt('Please enter your name', '')},1000);
      return 'DONE';"
  remDr %>% executeScript(sScript, args = list())
  remDr %>% getAlertText()
  remDr %>% sendAlertText("Buck Rogers?")

  remDr %>% deleteSession()

## End(Not run)

Send text to alert


sendAlertTextOld Send keystrokes to JavaScript prompt() dialog. This uses the old JSONwireprotocol endpoints.


sendAlertTextOld(remDr, text = "", ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


A character vector of length 1. In other words a string. The text is passed to the JavaScript alert


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other oldMethods functions: acceptAlertOld, dismissAlertOld, executeAsyncScriptOld, executeScriptOld, getAlertTextOld, getWindowHandleOld, getWindowHandlesOld, getWindowPositionOld, getWindowSizeOld, maximizeWindowOld, setWindowPositionOld, setWindowSizeOld


## Not run: 
# functions in this group are using the old JSONwireprotocol end points

## End(Not run)

Configure the amount of time that a particular type of operation can execute


getTimeouts Configure the amount of time that a particular type of operation can execute for before they are aborted and a |Timeout| error is returned to the client.


setTimeouts(remDr, type = "page load", milliseconds = 10000, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


The type of operation to set the timeout for. Valid values are: "script" for script timeouts, "implicit" for modifying the implicit wait timeout and "page load" for setting a page load timeout.


The amount of time, in milliseconds, that time-limited commands are permitted to run.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other sessions functions: deleteSession, getTimeouts, newSession, status


## Not run: 
  # start a driver without opening a browser
  remDr <- remoteDr(newSession = FALSE)

  # open a broswer
  remDr %>% newSession

  # set timeout on waiting for elements
  remDr %>% setTimeout(type = "implicit", 5000)

  # close Session
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Change the position of the current window.


setWindowPosition Change the position of the current window.


setWindowPosition(remDr, x, y, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


integer The X coordinate to position the window at, relative to the upper left corner of the screen.


integer The Y coordinate to position the window at, relative to the upper left corner of the screen.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other commandContexts functions: closeWindow, fullscreenWindow, getWindowHandles, getWindowHandle, getWindowPosition, getWindowSize, maximizeWindow, setWindowSize, switchToFrame, switchToParentFrame, switchToWindow


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% getWindowHandle() # The current window handle
  remDr %>% getWindowHandles() # All windows in the session

  # Get the window position
  remDr %>% getWindowPosition

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% getWindowPositionOld

  # Get the size of the window
  remDr %>% getWindowSize

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% getWindowSizeOld

  # Set the window size
  remDr %>% setWindowSize(500, 500)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% setWindowSizeOld(500, 500)

  # Set the position of the window
  remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Maximise the window
  remDr %>% maximizeWindow
  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% maximizeWindowold()

  remDr %>% go("")
  # search for the "R project"

  remDr %>% findElement("name", "q") %>%
    elementSendKeys("R project", key = "enter")

  webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "h3.r a")

  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Change the position of the specified window.


setWindowSize Change the position of the specified window.


setWindowPositionOld(remDr, x, y, handle = "current", ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


integer The X coordinate to position the window at, relative to the upper left corner of the screen.


integer The Y coordinate to position the window at, relative to the upper left corner of the screen.


Handle of the window to query. If handle = "current" (the default) the current window is used.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other oldMethods functions: acceptAlertOld, dismissAlertOld, executeAsyncScriptOld, executeScriptOld, getAlertTextOld, getWindowHandleOld, getWindowHandlesOld, getWindowPositionOld, getWindowSizeOld, maximizeWindowOld, sendAlertTextOld, setWindowSizeOld


## Not run: 
# functions in this group are using the old JSONwireprotocol end points

## End(Not run)

Change the size of the current window.


setWindowSize Change the size of the current window.


setWindowSize(remDr, width, height, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


integer The new window width.


integer The new window height.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other commandContexts functions: closeWindow, fullscreenWindow, getWindowHandles, getWindowHandle, getWindowPosition, getWindowSize, maximizeWindow, setWindowPosition, switchToFrame, switchToParentFrame, switchToWindow


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% getWindowHandle() # The current window handle
  remDr %>% getWindowHandles() # All windows in the session

  # Get the window position
  remDr %>% getWindowPosition

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% getWindowPositionOld

  # Get the size of the window
  remDr %>% getWindowSize

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% getWindowSizeOld

  # Set the window size
  remDr %>% setWindowSize(500, 500)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% setWindowSizeOld(500, 500)

  # Set the position of the window
  remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Maximise the window
  remDr %>% maximizeWindow
  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% maximizeWindowold()

  remDr %>% go("")
  # search for the "R project"

  remDr %>% findElement("name", "q") %>%
    elementSendKeys("R project", key = "enter")

  webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "h3.r a")

  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Change the size of the specified window.


setWindowSize Change the size of the specified window.


setWindowSizeOld(remDr, width, height, handle = "current", ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


integer The new window width.


integer The new window height.


Handle of the window to query. If handle = "current" (the default) the current window is used.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other oldMethods functions: acceptAlertOld, dismissAlertOld, executeAsyncScriptOld, executeScriptOld, getAlertTextOld, getWindowHandleOld, getWindowHandlesOld, getWindowPositionOld, getWindowSizeOld, maximizeWindowOld, sendAlertTextOld, setWindowPositionOld


## Not run: 
# functions in this group are using the old JSONwireprotocol end points

## End(Not run)

Get remote end status.


status The Status command returns information about whether a remote end is in a state in which it can create a new session. This is represented by the ready property of the response body, which has a value of false if attempting to create a session at the current time would fail.


status(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


ret2 : res$value NEED TO FILL IN specifics for each function

See Also

Other sessions functions: deleteSession, getTimeouts, newSession, setTimeouts


## Not run: 
  # start a driver without opening a browser
  remDr <- remoteDr(newSession = FALSE)

  # open a broswer
  remDr %>% newSession

  # set timeout on waiting for elements
  remDr %>% setTimeout(type = "implicit", 5000)

  # close Session
  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Change focus to another frame on the page.


switchToFrame Change focus to another frame on the page. If the frame id is null, the server should switch to the page's default content.


switchToFrame(remDr, Id = NULL, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


string|number|null|WebElement Identifier for the frame to change focus to.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other commandContexts functions: closeWindow, fullscreenWindow, getWindowHandles, getWindowHandle, getWindowPosition, getWindowSize, maximizeWindow, setWindowPosition, setWindowSize, switchToParentFrame, switchToWindow


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% getWindowHandle() # The current window handle
  remDr %>% getWindowHandles() # All windows in the session

  # Get the window position
  remDr %>% getWindowPosition

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% getWindowPositionOld

  # Get the size of the window
  remDr %>% getWindowSize

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% getWindowSizeOld

  # Set the window size
  remDr %>% setWindowSize(500, 500)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% setWindowSizeOld(500, 500)

  # Set the position of the window
  remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Maximise the window
  remDr %>% maximizeWindow
  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% maximizeWindowold()

  remDr %>% go("")
  # search for the "R project"

  remDr %>% findElement("name", "q") %>%
    elementSendKeys("R project", key = "enter")

  webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "h3.r a")

  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Change focus to the parent context.


switchToParentFrame Change focus to the parent context. If the current context is the top level browsing context, the context remains unchanged.


switchToParentFrame(remDr, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other commandContexts functions: closeWindow, fullscreenWindow, getWindowHandles, getWindowHandle, getWindowPosition, getWindowSize, maximizeWindow, setWindowPosition, setWindowSize, switchToFrame, switchToWindow


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% getWindowHandle() # The current window handle
  remDr %>% getWindowHandles() # All windows in the session

  # Get the window position
  remDr %>% getWindowPosition

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% getWindowPositionOld

  # Get the size of the window
  remDr %>% getWindowSize

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% getWindowSizeOld

  # Set the window size
  remDr %>% setWindowSize(500, 500)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% setWindowSizeOld(500, 500)

  # Set the position of the window
  remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Maximise the window
  remDr %>% maximizeWindow
  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% maximizeWindowold()

  remDr %>% go("")
  # search for the "R project"

  remDr %>% findElement("name", "q") %>%
    elementSendKeys("R project", key = "enter")

  webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "h3.r a")

  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)

Change focus to another window.


switchToWindow Change focus to another window.


switchToWindow(remDr, name, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


The handle of the window to change focus to.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.

See Also

Other commandContexts functions: closeWindow, fullscreenWindow, getWindowHandles, getWindowHandle, getWindowPosition, getWindowSize, maximizeWindow, setWindowPosition, setWindowSize, switchToFrame, switchToParentFrame


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% getWindowHandle() # The current window handle
  remDr %>% getWindowHandles() # All windows in the session

  # Get the window position
  remDr %>% getWindowPosition

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% getWindowPositionOld

  # Get the size of the window
  remDr %>% getWindowSize

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% getWindowSizeOld

  # Set the window size
  remDr %>% setWindowSize(500, 500)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  remDr %>% setWindowSizeOld(500, 500)

  # Set the position of the window
  remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100)

  # Maximise the window
  remDr %>% maximizeWindow
  # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points
  # remDr %>% maximizeWindowold()

  remDr %>% go("")
  # search for the "R project"

  remDr %>% findElement("name", "q") %>%
    elementSendKeys("R project", key = "enter")

  webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "h3.r a")

  remDr %>% deleteSession

## End(Not run)





takeElementScreenshot(webElem, file = NULL,
  display = getOption("seleniumPipes_display_screenshot"),
  useViewer = !is.null(getOption("viewer")), returnPNG = FALSE, ...)



An object of class "wElement". A web Element object see wbElement.


If not null the decoded PNG is written to file using the string provided here. Defaults to NULL.


logical Display the PNG or not (default is set in getOption("seleniumPipes_display_screenshot")).


A viewer to view the PNG. Looks for the RSudio viewer by default.


logical return the decoded PNG. If false (default) webElem is returned to allow chaining.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


If returnPNG is FALSE the web Element object is returned and additonal chaining is possible. If TRUE then the decoded base64 image is returned see base64_dec

See Also

Other screenCapture functions: takeScreenshot


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")
  remDr %>% takeScreenshot

  # select the search box
  searchElem <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "q")
  #searchElem %>% takeElementScreenshot()

## End(Not run)





takeScreenshot(remDr, file = NULL,
  display = getOption("seleniumPipes_display_screenshot"),
  useViewer = !is.null(getOption("viewer")), returnPNG = FALSE, ...)



An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


If not null the decoded PNG is written to file using the string provided here. Defaults to NULL.


logical Display the PNG or not (default is set in getOption("seleniumPipes_display_screenshot")).


A viewer to view the PNG. Looks for the RSudio viewer by default.


logical return the decoded PNG. If false (default) remDr is returned to allow chaining.


Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


If returnPNG is FALSE the remote Driver object is returned and additonal chaining is possible. If TRUE then the decoded base64 image is returned see base64_dec

See Also

Other screenCapture functions: takeElementScreenshot


## Not run: 
  remDr <- remoteDr()
  remDr %>% go("")
  remDr %>% takeScreenshot

  # select the search box
  searchElem <- remDr %>% findElement("name", "q")
  #searchElem %>% takeElementScreenshot()

## End(Not run)

Create a Web Element


wbElement Create a Web Element object of class "wElement"


wbElement(elementId, remDr)



This is a string returned by the web driver that identifies the web element.


An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.


An object of class "wElement" is returned. This is a web element object that is used in many of the web Element specific functions. Many functions that take a web Element object as input also return the web Element object. This allows chaining of commands. See the examples for chaining in action.


## Not run: 
remDr <- remoteDr()
webElem <- remDR %>% go("") %>%
 findElement("name", "q")
# print the webElement

# send keys to the web Element
webElem %>%  elementSendKeys("R project", key = "enter")

# close browser
remDr %>% deleteSession()

## End(Not run)